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Diverse Leadership Directory

In-house counsel, press, and conference organizers get easy access to a broad slate of partners from Mansfield firms.

Connect with a Diverse Group of Lawyers for Panels, Press Quotes, and Outside Counsel Support

Impact Highlights


unique individual log-ins by legal department leaders and others since the launch of the Directory.


different companies have used the Directory to search for and locate outside counsel.


partners from more than 200 firms will soon be profiled in the Directory.



Diversity Lab tracks Directory usage to assess whether it measurably improves access to historically underrepresented lawyers at law firms that have made a long-term commitment to creating diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces. Diversity Lab will report on the outcomes and metrics so everyone can learn from this collective effort.


The Directory includes 250+ underrepresented partners from the Move the Needle Fund firms. It is now being expanded to profile 2,000+ recently promoted and hired partners from 300+ US and Canadian Mansfield firms. It will also include partners from firm Disability Inclusion Affinity Groups.

The home page of the Diverse Leadership Directory

Learn more

If you are interested in the Diverse Leadership Directory, please reach out.